Photo was taken by Bianca Mentil by Pixabay
When you plant a tree or give the gift of a tree – you make such a difference. A video called ‘The gift of just ONE tree’ has been put together by Ellie, Faye and Maria – Tranistion Year Students in Col√°iste Pobail Bheanntra√≠ (Bantry Community College, West Cork). In the video they will show you how important our trees are and the difference you make when you plant a tree or give the gift of a tree. The gift of just one tree is beyone price. You can be part of making a big difference.
As the school chaplain in Coláiste Pobail Bheanntraí it has been great to have had the chance to mentor the girls as they put this video together. They have put hours and hours of work into it. It seemed at one stage that the project was over when our school closed for 4 months because of the Covid restrictions. But they were determined to keep it going when our schools reopened and this video is the fruits of their hard work. So well done to Ellie Faye and Maria!
The link is (Just copy and paste)
Thought on Tuesday – May – 18/05/2021
‘We prostituted Christianity when we told our people they had to “save their souls”. That attitude often affirmed the ego spirituality which is very dangerous and deceptive.’ ~Richard Rohr
We speak of material consumerism but there is also spiritual consumerism. This is mainly about going through the motions simply for the sake of it. Part of this mindset believes we have to please God by doing certain things. It’s almost like a points system and the more points I have, the better chance I have of getting to heaven.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing things that please God. But there surely is something wrong if it becomes obligatory, something compulsory and something you have to do. Everything about Jesus in the Gospels was lived in the spirit of freedom and openness. He encouraged people to feel and experience God in their everyday lives. He extended so many gentle invitations. Some accepted and some ignored.
The most honest approach is to try and love God in whatever way we can. Whatever way we choose must never be exclusive or cause us to judge others. God will always love us whatever journey or path we choose. Our journey during the current pandemic has caused us to reflect on what the important things in life are. We keep hearing ‘Everything has changed’. We have too and our approach to religion and spirituality has also changed.