Photo was taken at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

Ireland has experiened a wet weekend with long periods of rain, followed by heavy showers and lots of wind. It is not ideal weather for any garden in the middle of summer. But this rose called ‘The John C Rose’, is hardy and a great survivior. Even when the weather is poor, it still displays a massive spread of flowers.

Thought on Tuesday – June – 28/06/2022

“Now I am revealing new things to you, things hidden and unknown to you, created just now. This very moment you have heard nothing of these things until now, so that you cannot say, ‘Oh yes, I knew all this”. ~Isaiah 48:6

We sometimes think of God, religion and spirituality as just static. Some see it as created in the past which has been passed onto us to preserve and in turn we pass it on to someone else. This is very limiting. Everything about God is fresh, moving and changing. Nothing stays still. We have just passed the longest day of the year and the height of summer is with us. Everything in nature at the moment is bursting with life, change, colour and energy.

The same goes with God who is never static. We can never say we know God fully or that we know what God’s plans are for us. Each day we can learn something new about ourselves, about God, about life, about the world we live in, about our family, our friends and so on. All of them are never in isolation but are connected in a mysterious web that make up today. If we believe that today is God’s gift to us then we are open to possibility, freshness and a sense of freedom in our lives. That’s why today is always precious and a day to make the most of, as best we can.