Photo was taken yesterday near Rylane, Co.Cork (Irl)

A bunch of starlings feeding on the ground suddenly swoop up in dramatic fashion last evening.

Thought on Monday – February – 08/02/2010

‘When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.’ ‘Master’, Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all night long and caught nothing but if you say so, I will pay out the nets’ ~Luke 5:4

I think we can all relate to Peter. At times it feels as if our nets are empty. Often like Peter, we have worked hard, we have done everything right, we have ticked all the boxes and yet the nets are empty. We may feel God has let us down because of something that has happened in our lives. Everyone’s story is different but because of something that has happened recently or in the past, our nets feel empty. Like Peter we might say what’s the point? If God cared they wouldn’t be empty. But that’s the moment God calls us to throw those nets out again. With Peter the nets came back so full of fish that the boats were about to sink. It’s a gentle reminder or maybe a dramatic reminder that when life feels empty and bare, God wants to and will fill us with many blessings. One of these is a sense that there is meaning and purpose to what we do each day. Let’s throw those empty nets out once again.