Photo was taken near Rosscarbery, Co.Cork (Irl)

A young foal stands next to its Mum, reminding us of life bubbling and renewing all around us during this month of May.

Thought on Tuesday – May – 18/05/2010

‘The wind blows where it chooses but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.’ ~John 3:8

There is a lovely story told about an eight year old boy called Sam who asked a very honest question: ‚ÄúWhat if everybody in the whole world laughed at the same time? What would it sound like?‚Äù No doubt he thought it would make a big difference. ‘What if’ questions are always full of possibility and potential. ‘What if’ questions have led to many new discoveries particularly in the whole area of medicine. The same can happen in the whole area of spirituality. What if we all were open to the spirit of God in our lives? What if we all did something good and positive together instead of moan and complain? What if we all said a prayer for someone in need today or for a special intention? Next Sunday is the feast of Pentecost and it’s a day that will prompt the question what if? We all have the Spirit of God within. We all have hopes, dreams and things we would like to do. What if I allowed the Holy Spirit to inspire me? Can I take that step this week and into next weekend?